Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Freud and The Flea

If Sigmund Freud and John Donne sat down for a light breakfast at a local diner and reviewed Donne's poem "The Flea", I'm sure that Freud would complement Donne on his rampant use of sexual imagery. Seems to be a smorgasbord for our psychoanalytically charged Freud. Freud has his own reader response criticism of the text even if he cannot or will not admit so. He creates the text with his criticisms of sexual suppression, ego conflicts, and the unconscious into a unique version of the words on the page. Freud's carnal visions are polar opposite of Rev. Leghorn who symbolizes the religious side of the poetic analysis. The mixing of the blood in a filthy insect is thought to be corrupt and there is a direct link between the mixing of the blood and the loss of innocence sexually. Leghorn thinks that the holy trinity is represented in the text. Either way, Freud can't get enough of this stuff and the religious community views these types of text with a filter in some sense.

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