Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sigmund Freud Speech

My name is Sigmund Freud and I was born in Morovia, Austria on May 6 1856. I
founded psychoanalytic school of psychology, created the idea of Unconscious Mind and the
defense mechanism of repression. Sexual Desire is a concept here and so is my interpretation of
dreams; the connections with dreams and awake hours. I am the godfather of Psychoanalysis and have a literary criticism that I call my own. My Freudian Criticism not only examines the text, but also the author. On a base level of criticism you may find the run of the mill phallic symbol in the text and the question of if the author consciously or unconsciously meant anything by certain actions or objects in the text. On the next level is the use of psycho-biographic analysis, which involves the authors childhood experiences, fantasies, the Oedipus complex, and
repressions that somehow effect the concepts within the text. Then there is Ego-analysis which
attempts to show the pleasure within artistic creation that the reader and the author experience.
As you can see I have constructed quite a few theories and works in my time and I would further
say that I am awesome; sorry there goes my ego again...


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