Friday, December 12, 2008

Schools of Criticism

New Criticism- "Formalism"-values technique and stays inside the text.

Deconstruction- there is no absolute meaning to a text. There is no outside the text, everything in life is a text. Unity of structure, images, and tone is important as witnessed within "The Well Wrought Urn" by Clean Brooks.

Feminism- Reductive-- looking at the text just regarding women, have a sort of biased view.
Expansive-- Bell Hooks--what do we understand about women in the text and how sex functions.

Reader Response- Reader makes the story just as much as the author does. "Each time you put on a pair of spectacles, you see the world differently".

Marxist- literature can be tied with society in relation with class, politics, and anything that has to do with social ranking.

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