Friday, December 12, 2008

Frye, Page 100

" In short, we can get a whole liberal education simply by picking up one conventional poem and following its archetypes as they stretch out in to the rest of literature."

This quote very basically describes what his book is laying out there to the reader. Find an archetype in a book and you can follow that same character in countless other forms of literature and also in everyday life. I'm sure there are the romantics and the realists out there; me, I'm a hopeless romantic, but what poetry loving English major doesn't. DQ was used to further deploy Frye's thesis, there are many in the world that dream of doing what DQ just decided to get up and do. He is an icon and obviously an archetype for the romantic hero in a modern world. The quote seems to me as an easy, if true, way out of doing a lot of research and reading a lot of books. I believe that is part of the journey in learning the texts of old and new.

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